1. Preview
2. Program
What you'll see in this course
Are you a beginner? Improvise a monody and learn the dorian and diminished modes, as well as the whole tone scale
Course Content
Improvisation I : "Souffle"
1.1 Monody
- introduction
- important modal notes
- the key statement
1.2 Sentence construction
- concentration
- a sound base
- intensity
1.3 Adding voices
- use a mistake
- make characters talk to each other
1.4 Crescendo
- general crescendo
- creating accompaniment
1.5 Chords
- color a melody
- technique
- “approach" to improvisation
1.6 The pentatonic scale
- influences
- setting a framework
- shape A B A C
Improvisation II : Modes
2.1 Dorian mode
- mode characteristics
- modulations
- common notes
2.2 Exercice
- ranges
- the “joker” note
- transform a motive
2.3 Diminished mode
- mode construction
- perfect chords
2.4 Pulsation
- keep the pulse constant
- keep your bar
2.5 Transposing the exercise
- diminished mode
- whole tone scale
2.6 Other bars
- waltz
- asymmetric bar
3. Annexes
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